Let’s Discuss Micro-dosing

It’s no secret that cannabis has long been surrounded by various stereotypes. Our beloved plant endured years of scrutiny until its potential benefits became apparent. With the advent of legalisation, society gained a clearer understanding of cannabis, and prejudices began to wane. Despite these positive changes, certain misconceptions linger, such as the belief that cannabis consumption is solely about reaching maximum intoxication, devouring a stash of chips, and then snoozing for hours. While that’s one way to enjoy it—and no judgment here—there’s another method of consumption gaining popularity.







The concept is as straightforward as it sounds. Micro-dosing involves consuming small amounts of cannabis to experience subtle effects. It doesn’t induce a pronounced “high,” but it leaves you pleasantly relaxed while maintaining functionality in your daily activities. Essentially, instead of experiencing the entire high at once, you distribute it throughout the day, prolonging the effects.

Micro-dosing used to pose challenges, particularly when trying to ration a joint or vape. However, with the evolving cannabis landscape, an array of products and consumption methods conducive to micro-dosing has emerged. Low-dose tarts, capsules, oils, and edibles are now available, making micro-dosing more accessible.



How to Micro-dose Cannabis

Micro-dosing cannabis serves as an excellent entry point for cannabis consumption and an opportunity to explore new products. Regardless of your experience level, maintaining a consumption journal is advisable when starting. This journal helps track what you’re taking, the dosage, the time of day, your feelings, and any adverse reactions.

Commence with the lowest possible dose and monitor its effects over the next few hours. Keep in mind that cannabis ingestion may take up to two hours to produce noticeable effects. If, after a couple of hours, you don’t feel any effects, consider taking a bit more and observe. Your journal will be especially helpful in gauging the optimal micro-dose level for a functional and productive day.

It’s crucial to note that regular cannabis consumers may need a larger “micro-dose” to feel any effects due to accumulated tolerance. As with any consumption method or cannabis product, individual reactions vary. Start with a low dose, progress slowly, and avoid overindulgence.

One vital point to emphasise: Micro-dosing still involves cannabis consumption. Even if you don’t feel high, cannabis remains in your system. On days when you’ve micro-dosed, refrain from driving, operating heavy machinery, or engaging in activities requiring your full attention. Safety always takes precedence.


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